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Notes from Meeting on 23rd July 2023

These are notes from the committee meeting held on 23 rd July.

 Attendees: Geoff, Martina, Lorraine,

Georgina, Alice, Nick (council), Rod and Lyn (note-taker). 

Apologies: Graham, Peter.

The committee

The committee co-opted Lorraine and Georgina onto the committee.

Alice is stepping down from the role of Plot Allocation, but remaining on the committee. Nick thanked Alice for the amazing job she has done on plot allocation,

to date. All agreed with thanks.

Peter is stepping down as Chair, Site Rep and from the committee. The committee agreed that Peter had done a great job in getting things going for Goddard’s Farm. All his contributions have helped enormously and are much appreciated.

Update from Nick

There are two key roles for the functioning of the site: Plot Allocation, and Site Liaison. Nick outlined their responsibilities:

Plot Allocation

 Maintaining a record (spreadsheet) of tenants and plots

 Managing plot inspections and classifying A, B or C (this could be done with a small committee team)

 Advising the council (Becky) when more tenants are welcome, chasing for delivery of keys

 Liaising with prospective tenants, arranging to meet them, giving them a key when tenancy agreement is signed

 Sending copy of signed tenancy agreement to Becky

Alice agreed to support with a good handover whoever takes on this role…

Site Liaison

 Notify Nick about what’s happening at the site, acting as ‘eyes on the ground’

 Gathering tenants’ opinions

 Managing 2-way feedback (tenants and council)

Lorraine and Georgina volunteered to take on the role of Plot Allocation between them. There was a brief discussion about several ‘block reps’ to manage allocation within certain blocks, but this was rejected in favour of a jointly shared role.

Email addresses: as Geoff owns the domain ‘’ he can create further email addresses along the lines of ‘’. ACTION: Geoff to set up and create re-direct to Lorraine’s email.

Nick called for site representatives to manage Communications and Infrastructure.

We already have a Communications secretary: Geoff.

Nick will explore Infrastructure options.

Do we need anyone to take ownership of social events? Ask at AGM. Would be good to, for example, have a monthly coffee and chat session. Nick gave example of prize for best new plot numbers… Could also manage seed swaps and sharing produce.

Pots and netting placed near the shed for re-use are fine, but it’s now becoming a dumping ground. Need to mention this at next general meeting. Maybe have

recycling boxes just for pots and netting?

Chair – Lyn offered to chair meetings on an interim basis until the AGM, when the role will be open for volunteers/election.

Previous minutes


ACTION: Lyn to check on constitution – do we have one?

Scheduling the AGM

Agreed Saturday 2nd September at 5.30pm

Social event

Agreed Saturday 5 th August at 4pm

ACTION: Geoff to email mailing list, and create posters

ACTION: Lyn to ask Nick to send note to council list of tenants

Any Other Business

We can use the shed – Lyn holds the key.

We’ve had no suggestions for improvements.

AGM – can we manage voting that’s not in-person? No, but maybe next year. Need

to ensure the meeting is quorate.