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Notes from Meeting on 9 th January 2022

These are notes from the meeting, and not formal minutes.

The meeting had been advertised by on-site posters, and word-of-mouth. As we develop better communications, in time, we anticipate more plot holders able to attend and contribute.

Names of attendees were not taken. Our council liaison officer Nick was unable to attend.

Items to raise with Nick when we can speak with him:

  • Access to shed (see below for discussion)

  • Parking in 2 areas

  • Progress on lettings (allocation of plots to new people)

  • Waste from neighbours

  • Guttering

  • The main gate

  • When are we getting our bills?

Shed access discussion

The situation is that we cannot have access to the communal shed unless we have Public Liability Insurance (PLI). However, PLI coverage is available via the Allotment Association. So, the solution to gain access to the shed seems to be to take out membership of the Allotment Association. It’s not clear exactly how much that costs – £2pp was suggested. (Post-meeting note: I’ve checked and it’s £3pp but you must sign up most of the plotholders on the allotment site)

The initial thought was for individuals to become members: Pete would get the application forms and distribute them. But it might be easier to join as a group. Pete to investigate further.

Proposed use of communal shed

Pete suggested there would be a limited set of keys to the shed, so not open access. It would be open at regular set times each week, and could be used to sell materials (seeds/compost/miscellaneous) that we could buy in bulk and then sell at a small profit to fund other allotment work in future.

There was a discussion about whether ‘non-members’ could buy discounted materials or not. There was also a discussion about issuing membership cards – we have the resources among the group to make our own – or use the Allotment Association cards if any.

The bottom line on this was that we need to agree on how we want to run this kind of thing, with clear rules/guidelines. But we cannot do this until we have more plotholders able to participate in these meetings

The main gate

We have noticed that the proposed new access from the Basingstoke Road has been developed and is almost ready to use. It was pointed out that parking on football days could cause a serious problem.

We remain concerned about the situation with the current main gate, and the apparent proposal for shared access with the development at Hartland Court. It’s not clear what’s happening there. There’s potential for fly-tipping and blockages due to neighbours’ inconsiderate parking – all-in-all the meeting was not in favour of losing this access. To be investigated further.

(Post-meeting note: I believe the planning application is no 200385 on the RBC website, and it says that consultation began on 24/03/2020. It’s not clear what the status is, but it’s open for public comment)

As we cannot reach people who didn’t give their contact details previously, it was suggested we ask Nick/the council to reach them to advise them of these meetings.
Meanwhile, as we build the distribution list of plotholders:

  • Please ensure Pete/Alice has your contact details: these will remain confidential and used only for Goddard’s Farm Allotment news

  • Please pass on the news about these meetings to other plotholders

  • If you send a message to the WhatsApp group already established please add your name at the end of the message

  • Let’s use all comms methods to reach as many people as possible: email, WhatsApp, text message, posters, word-of-mouth

Date of next meeting: 12 noon on Sunday 6th February

Notes taken by Lyn, plot 40