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Notes from Meeting on 23 April 2022

Meeting opening

These are notes from the meeting, and not formal minutes.

The meeting had been advertised by on-site posters, and word-of-mouth. As we develop better communications, in time, we anticipate more plotholders able to attend and contribute. Names of attendees were not taken. Nick, RBC’s Allotment Partner Officer, was not able to attend.

Roles for Steering Group

We made it clear that the steering group members are not the only people to undertake activities to improve the running of the site, but they will take initiatives to get them done. Eg, if a litter-picking activity is suggested by the steering group, then all plotholders would be welcome in taking part.

We ran through the roles on the steering group and called for volunteers. The roles were uncontested – those who volunteered are now installed in these roles, as follows:

Dennis, Graham, Martina & Rod

Also, the two Petes to continue taking charge of managing our supply of chippings, and to maintain the toilet.

The roles to be reviewed in June/July when more plotholders are present.

Guide for new allotment plot holders

Alice had picked up a copy from another allotment site. We could produce our own, based on Rupert’s guidelines currently on the website.

Gate and access to site

Sheds have been moved from the path/drive that leads from the ‘new’ gate. Apparently RBC workmen want to use the new entrance, though we have been assured we are keeping the current entrance and gate. The new gate must be made taller to avoid vandals entering the site. Until this is done by the council we could put netting across – Pete to action.

RBC, rotavation and rubbish

Most allotment sites don’t rotavate neglected plots, and RBC won’t do this for us in future. Nor will they pick up rubbish… however, there is still a commitment to take rubbish from the plots that were allocated in February. No other rubbish should be dumped on that pile near the fence/toilet – it is solely for use by new plotholders.

Plot allocation update

There are some 3 or 4 plots remaining for allocation. The waiting list has about 40 names on it. There are still some plots that appear not to be under cultivation, including some that were allocated in February.

Steering Group members to walk the site and note the neglected plots. Those plotholders will receive a polite note asking if they are still interested in working their plots. If not, or no response, and no action seen, then their tenancies will be terminated in due course – action to be taken by RBC.

Shed access, insurance and National Allotment Society membership

The current understanding is that to gain access to the shed, we need public liability insurance for the site. The way to get this is via NAS membership for the site.

The requirements are that the majority of plotholders are signed up to the NAS, with a membership fee of £3 each. This is probably going to be implemented via RBC, by adding the fee to the tenancy rental, but it would not happen until next rents are due for 2023.

We need to ask Nick about this. There was also some doubt expressed about the insurance situation and the NAS. Dennis agreed to check it out.

When we have access the shed could be used as a community shop, selling bulk-purchased items such as seed and compost.

Date of next meeting – for Steering Group only: provisionally 2pm on Sunday 22nd May – to be confirmed.


The meeting was followed by a social event – thanks to everyone who brought food to share!

Notes taken by Lyn, plot 40