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Notes from Meeting on 20th March 2022

These are notes from the meeting, and not formal minutes.

The meeting had been advertised by on-site posters, and word-of-mouth. As we develop better communications, in time, we anticipate more plotholders able to attend and contribute.

Names of attendees were not taken. Nick, RBC’s Allotment Partner Officer, attended and led the meeting.

Meeting opening

It was noted that we had a good attendance, including new plotholders. The meeting had been convened to welcome new people, and to talk about the Steering Group that will be set up in the next meeting. Also briefly mentioned having a social event after the next meeting.

Roles for Steering Group

We ran through the roles on the Steering Group that would be decided at the next meeting. There’s a separate document, on display on-site, that gives a little more detail.

  • Meeting notes secretary

  • Chair of meetings

  • Plot allocation secretary

  • Website manager

  • Communications secretary

  • 4 x other members (no specific roles)

  • Site rep for liaison with other sites

All are invited to consider if they want to step forward for any of these roles, and to come to the April meeting. If anyone is unable to attend, and wants to volunteer for the Steering Group, they should make themselves known to Pete, Alice, Martina or Lyn.

Contact details

Plot holders should subscribe to the website if they want to sign up for email communications.

Names for site map

It’s planned to have a map of the site with plotholder names against each plot – this will be on display inside the site (not visible to anyone outside of Goddard’s Farm Allotments). The idea is to promote neighbourliness, and friendly plotholder relations. If you are happy for your name to be displayed (we recommend first names only, or whatever name you wish to be known by) then please give your permission by signing the sheet held by Alice.

National Allotment Society membership

The individual benefits are: free legal advice, discount on seed, regular magazine, regional meetings.

We would like to join as a site; the requirements are that the majority of plotholders are signed up to this, with a membership fee of £3 each. Currently it would be difficult to make this happen, but we are working on it.

Plot vacancies

The waiting list is about 45 people. Some plots look as if they might be abandoned, and some were let back in February, but no-one has yet been working them. There are a handful of plots still to be let. After the April meeting, the Steering Group should check on unworked plots and those that look abandoned, and then inform Nick. RBC will continue to deal with absentee tenants.

Any Other Business

Skills and contributions – Nick encouraged us to think about how we might help each other out. We all have certain skills and could make a contribution. Some people might be good at mending tools, others might be good at IT. We are starting to build a community – we should all get involved.

Communications – Facebook and WhatsApp suggested as ways of staying in touch. The advantage is that messages are instant. The Comms Secretary can think about taking this forward. Mixed ways of communications are best, to cover everyone, including those who don’t use any form of IT.

Broken locks and water – deal directly with the council for reporting/fixing problems like that.

Bees – suggested we have some beehives on site. Good idea, and we’d need a beekeeper to be responsible and manage them. Could advertise for someone.

A few dos and don’ts – never leave the main gate open unless someone is right behind you; be careful turning off the water tap in the toilet; be considerate to others re parking (we don’t have much parking space)

Driving access – Nick said we might be able to reinstate the drive ‘loop’ at the back of the site, near plot 56.

Water problem – some areas might be a bit waterlogged in winter, but it’s still possible to cultivate them. Any water leaks have been fixed. But, to be on the safe side, if you have a plot where there seems to be a lot of water, don’t put a shed directly on the soil.

Date of next meeting: 2pm on Saturday 23rd April – there will also be a social event after the meeting. Do bring some food to share, and bring your drink of choice.

Notes taken by Lyn, plot 40

Previous meeting notes: