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Notes from Meeting on 14 May 2023

These are notes from the committee meeting held on 14 th May. Five committee members attended:

Geoff, Martina, Peter, Rodney and Lyn (note-taker). Apologies received from Alice.

Plot re-allocation

This is progressing, thanks to Alice and her contact with Nick. Summary received

from Alice as follows:

I've been busy handing out keys to new tenants in the last few weeks:

I met with Nick to look at the plots. He has now sent emails to the plots that are not

being worked so I hope I will have more plots to give out soon.

Summer social

We decided to have a summer social event on 8 th July at 12 midday, and Nick is to be

invited. All should bring some food to share, if they can. The event is largely a social,

but we can take the opportunity to remind people to take their waste away and not

dump it at the allotment, and call for ideas to improve the allotment that anyone can

progress (not just the committee).


 Geoff to make poster, laminate it and put it on display on site

 Geoff to email all plotholders on the mailing list

 Pete to invite Tom the soil improver man to join us at the event

 Lyn to invite Nick

Water leak

There’s a leak at the back of the site, that affects the road. Martina has advised Nick

and he said he will alert Thames Water. Need to monitor the situation.

The current gate

 Need to check on current status of the planning application and the impact on

the gate

 Please could everyone put the padlock at the end of the chain and not in the

middle? It’s easier to use this way. Pete will put a cable tie to keep it attached

at the end. Post meeting note: this was done, but someone has broken the tie



Ask Nick to create hard standing next to plots 9 and 9A for parking


We need a new sign about taking waste away from the plot

Committee meetings

It was agreed we’d meet approx. once per quarter. The chair, Pete, will discuss the

agenda with the secretary who then sends out the agenda before the meeting. Geoff

kindly agreed to be the secretary for this purpose.

Remove Rupert from the committee mailing list at his request.

Date of next committee meeting Sunday 20 th August at 2pm.